Friday, February 22, 2008

Getting to Know You

So it has been just over a week now and it is really neat getting to know Finn. He has really shown us who he is. For example, he likes to play with shoe laces just like a cat. Hes incredibly smart and has been randomly sitting really pretty when we go outside or just around the house because he knows he gets a treat when we ask him to sit! He likes to stand up on his hind legs, put his front leg on our shoulder and then get a big hug, he likes sitting outside during his pee breaks and watching people, cars and other dogs go by. He seems to REALLY like kids! whenever we are out and kids walk by he is so intent to watch them and he even tries to walk after them, which is interesting because he seems wary of adults. If an adult walks down the street towards us, he has to sit and watch them until they walk by. We are also getting to know him physically as well - which isnt remotely as creepy as that sounds - what i mean is we have figured out he is part husky, he is definitely husky. I work in an archaeological lab with animal bones (faunal remains) and yesterday i was packing away the dog samples and come across a husky skull and it was definitely FInn! the wide forehead with short, wide snout and big teeth! I have also discovered some sad things about Finn, like he has a perfect hole at the tip of his left ear which perfectly matches teh size of a buckshot pellet i found embedded just under his skin on his back leg. More physical reminders of his shooting and i guess conclusive evidence that he was shot with a shot gun. As well, his teeth are in terrible shape. They are nice and clean without any noticeable tartar or gingivitis, but they are horrible chipped and worn. He has worn his right, lower incisors right down to the gum. The only thing i can think of that would cause that would have been him chewing on rocks. Im starting to wonder if he was actually a chain dog, chained for most of his little life with only rocks to play with. it would explain why he got his paw shot - he wouldn't have been able to run away otherwise. Well his new vet comes to see him today so i will have to ask her about that. As i type this post, Finn is lying beside be, watching the TV. i have discovered that he is quite interested in a certain commercial with dogs searching for a cat who is hiding in a car, as well he really likes to watch the insanely cute videos that get posted over at Cuteoverload As soon as i get it figured out, i will post video of him watching the baying beagle!

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